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Friday, December 21, 2012

PREPPERS U.S.A. SOCIETY Understanding proper precautions is serious business so you and your family can survive. But what we found out inside the Prepper Survivalist movement there is very little knowledge about what proper precautions should be taken.


Peaceable Solutions to Survival

Understanding proper precautions is serious business so you and your family can survive. But what we found out inside the Prepper Survivalist movement there is very little knowledge about what proper precautions should be taken.

Preppers U.S.A. Society was founded to help fill in this serious knowledge gap so a series of specific patterns of actions can be established and taken.

As the mass of data reveals there will be no sirens that truly warn you but there will be signals or clues to pending events.

The interpretation or the reading of these signs and indicators will be the keys to your individual and family survival.

The Preppers U.S.A. Society believes that many pointers and hints are already noticeable and specific actions should be taken now concerning the economic, financial, monetary stability and health of your family. The economic cave in was started several decades ago and the disintegration of the economic strength of the country is now felt by millions of citizens of the United States.

Imagine the atomic nuclear bomb exploding in 1964 and the wave of killing overwhelming and overpowering the safeguards of national officials and local agencies. 

This economic wave of economic killing has no natural civilian defense except as one might find within common sense.  The Red Cross disaster teams will not be able to help you and the Army has already been overwhelmed and devastated by budget cuts and cultural changes so don’t expect them to be handing out food and parking a generator at your home or camp site.

The Prepper Survivalist movement has brought millions of people together that are seeking to survive this collapse.  The most common attempt is through the hoarding of food, weapons, ammunition and other supplies and relocating to far off areas of the United States.

The question today is what will you do? 

If the first atomic nuclear economic bomb exploded in 1964 causing a dramatic cultural and economic shift in America is there another one about to explode?

The very simple answer is yes.

There is another atomic nuclear economic and cultural barrage blast that is hitting your country, state, county and even the smallest villages today.

We can use financial radar instruments and spot the wave of destruction and can even plot the course, speed and the arc of this wave. 

We know that California is bankrupt and we know that the wave of economic destruction is traveling from the center point of our federal governments outward and from our state governments outward. 

These multiple waves are crisscrossed economic failures and zigzagging drains on resources across every square mile of America will cause continued financial harm to millions of middle class citizens. 

We also know that others will grow wealth and power at the exact same time.  These hundreds of thousands of economic waves have high and low sides. As any surfer knows it’s all about catching the right wave at the right time.

This economic wave interlacing is seen within the growing homeless ranks, home loss through mortgage failure rates, unemployment, underemployment, growing food stamp programs, massive federal deficits, massive foreign loans, state and local budget failures, global warming patterns, national health care fumbling and hundreds of other indicators.

The Preppers U.S.A. Society spotted your financial enemies and has developed a financial plan that has been designed and set at the exact proper course, the exact speed and arc to get your financial cash earning generator started.

Starting your own home based business is about knowledge traveling from one person to another.  With the proper precautions taken today you can ride the wave and prosper, from anywhere in the world.


Preppers U.S.A. Society

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