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Preppers U.S.A. & Government

Speaking out about the sinister plan that is underway now to engineer a new order of nations and merge America into a world totalitarian socialist government. In this broadcast, he details how the United States of America has been targeted for a controlled takedown and that we are currently in the final stages of the operation.
Command Sergeant Major Dan Page
The following is a list of key data points addressed in the discussion:

What prompted Sgt. Maj. Page to retire was the Secretary of the Army visiting troops in Africa during the mid-90's, with the sole purpose to garner the feedback of the enlisted ranks on forthcoming policy changes incorporating: 1) implementing a policy of active homosexuality throughout the military; 2) women engaged in combat roles; and 3) qualifying support for a changing military mission, which he called the "New World Army," and described its new role as a domestic police force within the continental United States (CONUS).

According to U.S. military command, they are going to redirect the armed forces into covert, low-intensity combat scenarios that will involve "domestic terrorism" within the United States.

The definition of "domestic terrorist" is being rebranded to specifically refer to these key factors: 1)Caucasian male between the ages of 18-65; 2) one who supports the Second Amendment; 3) one who believes in the second coming of Jesus Christ; 4) one who is against illegal immigration; 5) one who is against homosexuality; and 6) one who holds to the traditional view of marriage.

The redefining of "terrorist" is directed at purging the American patriots who would serve in a legal and lawful constitutional militia to uphold the laws of the union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions.
Dozens of high-ranking military flag officers have been purged by the Obama Administration for not going along with the plan, and the question arises: why have so few of them spoken out in condemnation of it?

According to very high-level sources, there is a timeline that, starting in 2015, we are going to see drastic orchestrated events and crisis initiation take place in the philosophy of the Hegelian Dialectic, to cause the "97 percenters" of the people to demand action be taken against the "3 percenters," who will receive the blame.

The engineered events are designed, according to Sgt. Maj. Page, to create such havoc world-wide, that the majority of people are going to demand some form of protection from the federal government, which will in turn seize more power.

The surge of illegal immigrant children flowing into our southern border is a manufactured invasion facilitated by the current administration to cripple us economically, socially, and culturally. Also mentioned are the 80+ Soviet "suitcase nukes" that are still missing from the Cold War. Note that former GRU spy, Colonel Stanislav Lunev, the highest-ranking Soviet military officer to defect from Russia to the United States, had the chief assignment during the 1980's of finding locations within the U.S. to hide those bombs. Col. Lunev exposed that they planned to use illegal immigrants to walk the nukes across the border, and yet our entire southern border remains totally unprotected.

According to the proposed timeline, the United States is to be merged into a North American Union by no later than 2017 via the negotiation of Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), the final leg of the western NAFTA and GATT economic empire, which will place the U.S. within one social form of government and one economic system. With that said, recall the cover of the January 9, 1988 issue of The Economist magazine, which depicted a Phoenix (the symbolic metaphor of death and rebirth) standing atop a pile of burning currencies, including an American $5 bill, and wearing a gold medallion around its neck with the year 2018 inscribed on it. The headline reads: "Get Ready for a World Currency."
Dr. Daniel Daves' prophetic dream is discussed during this interview, which projected onto skyscrapers the following three revelations to American onlookers:1) the United States has ceased to exist; 2) all property lines have been erased; and 3) the Dollar is dead.
New technology and equipment, according to Sgt. Maj. Page, has been produced and integrated within the last two years, which is capable of projecting and filling the sky with any image. Also ready are psychological warfare computer components and Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) transmitters capable of sound projection, which can be used in tandem with the projected imagery to disrupt brain function, implant audio waves, and engineer a deception. The intended purpose of this audio/visual technology is of a religious nature.

A highway system called the Karakoram Highway (or the Great Silk Road), built by the Chinese, which cost U.S. taxpayers $4 billion, starts at the southern end of China, stretches across the entire Eurasian landmass, and goes all the way down to the mouth of the Euphrates River. It runs along the ancient biblical Silk Road, which has been rebuilt with U.S. money, has 2ft. of concrete with 3ft. of asphalt on top to withstand extremely heavy loads, and will be used for military and commercial uses only. If you study eschatology, you can determine what this road will be used for. Research the Kings of the East from the books of Daniel and Revelation.

Two distinct models are discussed for the dividing of the world into 10 economic regions, unions, or kingdoms.

The Continuity of Government (COG) program is mentioned, when the exchange between Colonel Oliver North and Congressman Jack Brooks during the Iran-Contra hearings on Rex-84 (video below) was shut down by Senator Daniel Inouye when the line of questioning got too close to exposing the truth about the agenda to suspend the Constitution in favor of a military form of government under the code name: "Operation Garden Plot." During the Bush Administration, they expanded the Continuity of Government program under Main Core, which mandates that in the event of civil disturbance or the declaration of martial law, the military will indefinitely inter a pre-selected list of millions of opposing American citizens in detention camps that have already been built aboard U.S. military bases. Main Core is codified in the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2012, and by the Supreme Court which upheld earlier this year the president's authorization for the indefinite detention and assassination of American citizens with no due process of law.

The Army's new combat training center in Quantico, Virginia is the first one in American history that is built to scale and resembles an American city, complete with a Baptist church. There is also the newly-renovated Military Operations on Urban Terrain Collective Training Facility (MOUT CTF), a mock 30-acre town (photo below) located aboard Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, where I served in the U.S. Marine Corps. Originally built in 1990, new additions to the facility, including a Baptist church, a police station and several farmhouses, have transformed the layout of the once "international" town into an American town. It is also being used to cross-train foreign troops from the United Nations and NATO in urban patrolling, forcible entry and night fighting techniques.

An aire of extreme hatred and persecution of Christianity is sweeping throughout the military ranks, criminalizing the reading of the Bible and the mention of the name of Jesus Christ [1] [2] [3] [4].
All U.S. military officers are currently being told that they serve at the discretion of the Congress, and if they want to have a career beyond their initial 6-year tour of duty, they must sign an agreement to obey presidential directives to shoot American citizens if it is so ordered. The first rendition of this was the infamous 29 Palms Combat Arms Survey (screen capture below) given by Lieutenant Commander Ernest Guy Cunningham on May 10, 1994, at 29 Palms Naval Base in California. Question #45 reads: "I would swear to the following code: I am a United Nations fighting person. I serve in the forces which maintain world peace and every nation's way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense." And the final question, #46 reads: "The U.S. government declares a ban on the possession, sale, transportation, and transfer of all non-sporting firearms. A thirty (30) day amnesty period is permitted for these firearms to be turned over to the local authorities. At the end of this period, a number of citizen groups refuse to turn over their firearms. Consider the following statement: I would fire upon U.S. citizens who refuse or resist confiscation of firearms banned by the U.S. government." (Strongly disagree; Disagree; Agree; Strongly Agree; No opinion).
29 Palms Combat Arms Survey Question 46

Standard paper targets for U.S. military and federal rifle and pistol training depict a generic human outline. The new targets, however, now show human faces. Not foreign troops or terrorists, but distinctly American likenesses, confirming a 180° re-direct in training doctrine. Also, consider the recent "No More Hesitation" cardboard cut-out shooting targets of "non-traditional threats" ordered by the Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies, which include pregnant women, mothers, children in playgrounds, and elderly American gun owners. These targets have recently been discontinued from production due to the massive outrage expressed by consumers and law enforcement agencies, but the surplus are still in use.
The psychological warfare tactic of defining people according to their races is being implemented to program military personnel to not associate with the humanity of combatants, thereby making it easier to kill.
The opinion of Sgt. Maj. Page is that the massive flood of illegal immigrant children and adults are pawns in a political ploy, and he asks that if the social engineers are willing to misuse these children, what are they willing to do to the rest of us for political expediency?
NATO troops are training to put down insurgents in the United States. Domestic police forces are also receiving similar training, in which the future insurgents are already labeled "white Christian males."
All of these plans and factors are very well-known among the command level Officer Corps of the U.S. military, and are not discussed with the lower field grade officers and enlisted ranks.
Sgt. Maj. Page affirms that the ONLY way to avert this plan is if the men in America get off our collective asses, stand up and be men; stop wasting time focusing our male aggression and machismo on pointless distractions like sports (bread and circus) and direct it where it should be directed, in getting politically active and fighting at the state and local level, not at the federal level where our vote no longer counts. Mr. Wiles bookends this statement with the necessity for us all to get right with our Creator God, to stand firm on the foundation of our faith, underscoring the fact that it is right and just to withstand evil in all situations whatsoever.
When I first started out on this journey of research, study, and education of everything I was never taught by my parents, school teachers, college professors, and commissioned and non-commissioned mentors throughout my Marine Corps enlistment, I was still an idealist. I was an optimist, because I still trusted people, took them for their word, and believed what I was told by people in positions of authority, without ever verifying for myself the facts of what they were saying.

I only had a cursory grasp on approved textbook history, only ever discussed subjects within the acceptable mainline spectrum of debate, and couldn't yet connect the dots and place the puzzle pieces together to see the big picture. I mistakenly thought that we could turn all of this around and restore our nation to the bastion of Liberty that it once was via our political system. I believed that every American service member was good and just, that the president, Congress and the Supreme Court were honest guardians of our Republic, and that the American people as a whole were enlightened, patriotic defenders of Freedom. I believed this was the land of the free and the home of the brave.

I was wrong, however, and all of my research since then has cast the wool from my eyes and shown me beyond a reasonable doubt that things are going to get a whole lot worse before they can ever even hope to begin to get better.

The parallels of history don't lie, and maybe Solomon was trying to tell us something when he said that "there is nothing new under the sun." What is, was, and what once was, will be. Human nature doesn't change, and is forever and inexorably caught in the perpetual cycle of freedom and slavery, liberty and bondage, peace and war, plenty and famine. The pendulum shall swing. It shall swing and swing to its opposing apexes, and the only one who can stop it is God Almighty.

There is no political solution to our spiritual problem, and if we lose our fight for Freedom here in this country, then Freedom is gone for the entire world forever.

You had better understand that going in to this.

Please forward this to every veteran and active duty military personnel you know. The more of us who know about this plan, the better our chances of opposing and averting it.

Prepper Preppers and Government actions, sanctions and regulations could fill volumes for the Middle-Class Prepper.  Its important to note that your actions are legal and you have every right to prepare your family, friends and neighbors to the unknown.  Preppers U.S.A. Society.

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