Big Business Taking Advantage of Your Wife

Big Business Taking Advantage of Your Wife
Big Retail Rapes The Consumers

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Ink Toner Cartridge Business NDITC The Giants HP Hewlett Packard and Staples Inc The major global O.E.M.’s Original Equipment Manufacturers have never allowed this in the past because of their fear of losing their own secret and guarded connections. Over the last several years NDITC has been able to track down, find and obtain the Global Empire Plans within the inkjet and toner cartridge market. These same several years have been used to expand and develop this knowledge and document these findings within affordable and high quality small business plans for NDITC clients.

Everything has changed. The entire global supply chain, due to technology, has become available to the average person with the right connections.  If you happen to be unemployed, under-employed, under-paid or trying your best to get ready for retirement and the new economy, register today.  

NDITC will send you NDITC Plan 1776, free forever. 

Drop Shipping is now a major part of business planning and it literally creates millionaires.  We teach people, by the thousands, how to plan, start and sustain their own inkjet and toner cartridge business.  It's the best small business, work at home business, anywhere and we're proud to get you started for free.
Drop Shipping is a supply chain management technique that allows the retailer to connect directly to the factory without the customers knowledge. 
Drop Shipping allows the retailer to sell goods and services that they do not hold in inventory.  Reducing the inventory holding costs dramatically increases the profit margins and business opportunities.
Drop Shipping and E-Commerce in the simplest form allows the customer to order a product using internet connection technology by simply pushing a keyboard button.

The customer order is then secretly directed to the real life factory that ships directly to the customer using the blind shipment method. It makes you rich.

You can start earning $5,000 a week, learn how. The founder of NDITC is a leading Fortune 500 business specialist and expert within the manufacturing, distribution, fulfillment, transportation, wholesale and retail supply chain, he clearly takes the NDITC client into the future of the future.  The demanding but exciting times of  technology and globalization allows the average person to connect to the broader world of valuable factory goods, stimulating education and  the entire world of consumers like never before.
Hundreds of thousands of honest, hard working and  industrious American citizens are taking every opportunity to learn advanced technology and use those new remarkable connections to own and operate their own business.  Like never before in history, the average person can plan, start and sustain their own money making business and avoid all the old fashioned expenses of stores, employees, inventory, insurance, cash registers and all the other expenses that drain the life out of free enterprise.  As you watch the world change, take the time to understand that your future prosperity will be found within owning your own  money making business.
Take the chance on yourself and start your own business.  It’s a New Deal. 

As a small business owner you will quickly realize that using the drop shipping method you can quickly gain customers without increasing your inventory cost.  You might be surprised to know that many major retailers do not per say own the inventory they sell to customers.

We’ve all seen the commercials on late night T.V. that proclaims that you can make a small fortune selling jewelry, boxed and liquid soap products and a bunch of other stuff.  Their real marketing plan is for you to send them money and then start selling high priced, lower quality products to your family and friends.  Once you’ve sold the first round of products to everybody you know your business fails and you wonder what happened to your great success.
These one-shot, high pressure, friends and family selling plans at the end of the day cost you money and the vendors and makers of the products keep all the real profits.
What’s so good about selling inkjet and toner cartridge products is that the product is in very high demand and entry into the marketplace has always been restricted.  Once you restrict access to any kind of product the retail price remains higher and very little competition can enter the main-street marketplace.  As a seller of inkjet and toner printer, copier, fax and cash register cartridges you’ll be joining a very limited number of qualified sellers, selling factory direct and guaranteed products. 

Sellers have more money because all the buyers give them money.  In the current economic environment you must find a way to increase your real life net cash income.  If you get a raise of $10 and at the same time your cost goes  up to $12 you’re going bankrupt.   Most American families are going bankrupt very slowly.  When you become the seller you have changed the rules for your family.  Sellers earn a profit every time they sell a product or service if they plan and implement their planning and operations correctly.
The brick and mortar retailers are having a very difficult time because their long term costs are way too high and the customers will not support them.
When you consider that customers pay for everything you will see that customers are flocking to the internet and low cost retailers to save money.
Retailers are trying to adjust to the new marketplace but they also have to deal with their long terms leases and contracts that may extend their financial commitments up to 30 to 50 years.
The key to operating your own small but profitable business is to eliminate or simply get rid of the costs of doing business.  Imagine what you’ll be able to do with very little fixed costs.

America invented Globalization.  Moving products or raw materials is nothing new but the new wave of Globalization is different because the technology sitting on your desk top or holding in your hand changed everything.  You can reach out around the world to buy and sell products. 
With the proper information you can now reach out, using available technology, and find a quality resource (factory) that is willing to supply your small company with their guaranteed inkjet and laser toner cartridges.

The major global O.E.M.’s Original Equipment Manufacturers have never allowed this in the past because of their fear of losing their own secret and guarded connections.  Over the last several years NDITC has been able to track down, find and obtain the Global Empire Plans within the inkjet and toner cartridge market.  These same several years have been used to expand and develop this knowledge and document these findings within affordable and high quality small business plans for NDITC clients.

For the first time ever, NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company – Consulting Group has allowed this information and planning to move freely.